主演:Simon Farnaby
简介: A special follow-up to the programme that broadcast exclusive access to the research into the remains of Richard III found underneath a Leicester car park. The research confirmed that the remains were his, and helped build a picture of what he looked like. Using unseen footage of the dig and tests, and fresh interviews with the lead scientists, this programme reveals multiple new dimensions to the hunt for England's long-lost king. The project involved dozens of specialists, in the fields of archaeology, osteology, history, forensic pathology, genealogy and DNA analysis. The programme pieces together the critical steps in the archaeological excavation, explaining how the Greyfriars Church was uncovered and detailing the painstaking exhumation of Richard's grave from the first indications of human remains to the exposure of the body's twisted spine. In the university's labs, the programme follows the scientists as they examine the skeleton to unlock the lost king's story, revealing its clues to his diet and social status, and to the diseases he endured. The film reveals how the DNA match with Richard III was made. Perhaps the most harrowing stage of the project was the minute forensic examination of the cause of death. Piecing together CT scans and microscopic analysis, the team identified the major injuries that Richard suffered in the last moments of his life and shortly afterwards.
主演:Edward Hogg Simon Farnaby Verónica Echegui
简介: 素食者史蒂芬(爱德华·霍格 Edward Hogg 饰)在室内蜗居一年,将过往的所有票据破烂都分门归类收集起来,直到储藏的所有素食盒饭都被老鼠毁掉,不得不出门为止。无法抗拒出门恐惧的史蒂芬从“螃蟹船长”连锁店叫了一份素菜烩外卖,回忆起一年前他和朋友邦尼(西蒙·法纳比 Simon Farnaby 饰)在赌马获胜后一起坐火车出游欧洲,在波兰遇到“螃蟹船长”店女招待埃洛伊莎(薇洛妮卡·恩切圭 Verónica Echegui 饰),三人共同结伴前往西班牙斗牛节的经历。路上史蒂芬屡次想向埃洛伊莎示爱,却没想到万人迷邦尼捷足先登,令史蒂芬困扰万分…… 本片是英国新锐导演保罗·金(Paul King)的电影处女作,获英国独立电影奖最佳制片奖,并获最佳技术成就奖提名。
主演:马修·贝恩顿 吉姆·霍威克 本·威尔邦德 西蒙·法纳比 Simon Farnaby 萨拉·哈德兰 Sarah Hadland 玛莎·豪-道格拉斯 Martha Howe-Douglas
简介: 《糟糕历史》是CBBC出品的一档儿童节目,但吸引到了各个年龄段的观众,在IMDB上有高达9.1的评分。该节目用喜剧的视角向观众朋友们展示历史上最囧的一面,涉及到古希腊、古罗马、阿兹台克、印加、世界大战以及英国历史上各王朝等,内容丰富,寓教于乐。几位演员可谓全才,对各种类型的角色的塑造堪称经典,并且能歌善舞。《糟糕历史》中的歌舞桥段,可谓一大看点。总之,一句话形容,就是“外表荒诞无节操,内心高洁学问高”。
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