主演:Jaleel White Long John Baldry Phil Hayes Gary Chalk Christopher Evan Welch Ian James Corlett Kathleen Barr Michael Benyaer
导演:Kent Butterworth
简介: 《刺猬索尼克历险记》是美国DiC Entertainment公司制作的经典动画片。
主演:SophieTurner VanessaRedgrave OliviaColman 苏菲·特纳 艾米丽·比查姆 亚历山德拉·罗奇 玛德琳·鲍尔 安东尼娅·克拉克
导演:James Kent
简介:玛格丽特(奥利维娅·科尔曼 Olivia Colman 饰)从小在父亲经营的书店里玩耍长大,博览群书的她对人物传记情有独钟,成年后,她甚至开始尝试着自己撰写古人传记。某日,玛格丽特收到了作家温特(瓦妮莎·雷德格瑞夫 Vanessa Redgrave 饰)的来信,信中,温特表示希望玛格丽特能够替她立书作传。 玛格丽特的身世和她本人一样充满了谜团,坊间流传的有关她的传闻几乎都不属实。好奇心的驱使之下,玛格丽特来到了温特的住处,在那里,女作家亲口向她诉说了关于自己家族的历史。然而,这段故事是如此的诡异离奇,令玛格丽特几乎不敢相信,为了验证温特所言,玛格丽特决心通过自己的力量进行调查,由此揭开了一个埋藏多年的秘密。
主演:Michael Bell Gregg Berger Arthur Burghardt
导演:Dave Brain Kent Butterworth
主演:陈冠希 瓦冢洋介
导演:深作健太 Kenta Fukasaku
主演:Douglas Campbell Nikki Cole Neil Dainard Patricia Gage Francesca Long Des Smiley Patricia Wilson
导演:Larry Kent
简介: A frustrated, despairing housewife and young mother of two, imprisoned by her domestic world and ignored by her succesful husband, becomes increasingly bereft of hope and a means of escape.
主演:大卫·卡耶 比尔·法格巴克 科里·伯顿 杰夫·贝内特 邦坡尔·罗宾逊 汤森·科尔曼 菲尔·拉马 塔拉·斯特朗 汤姆·肯尼
导演:马特·杨伯格 Irineo Maramba 香川丰 本·琼斯 Shunji Ôga Yoshio Chatani Ciro Nieli Christopher Berkeley Kenji Itoso Makoto Fuchigami Ciro Nieli Kentaro Mizuno Noboro Huruse
简介:This season began merely two whole weeks after the first season had ended, on April 19, 2008, with the airing of The Elite Guard, and ended on July 5, 2008, with the two-parter, A Bridge Too Close. The season revolved mainly around the Autobots in the aftermath of Megatron's return, trying to restore the city and their image. Meanwhile, Megatron, Lugnut, and Blitzwing have captured Prof. Sumdac in order to build a Space Bridge, hoping to use it to conquer a weakened Cybertron from within. A sub-plot also focuses on Sari as she searches for her father, while learning that there is no record of her existence of any means. Also, Blackarachnia (originally Elita One) has been reduced to a minor recurring character, only appearing in one episode of the entire season (Black Friday).
主演:Fujii Kaze
导演:Kento Yamada
简介: Chart-topping artist Fujii Kaze returns to a packed Nissan Stadium in Yokohama for a triumphant two-day performance full of summertime vibes.
别名:地狱厨房赌城季/地狱厨房:拉斯维加斯/Hell's Kitchen: Las Vegas
导演:Arthur Smith Kent Weed Kenny Rosen Bernie Schaeffer
主演:比尔·法格巴克 科里·伯顿 塔拉·斯特朗 贾德·尼尔森 菲尔·拉马 汤森·科尔曼 杰夫·贝内特 大卫·卡耶 邦坡尔·罗宾逊 苏珊·布卢 John Moschitta Sr. 汤姆·肯尼
导演:马特·杨伯格 Yoshio Frank Chatani Tetsuro Moronuki 香川丰 Kalvin Lee Shigeru Takahashi Christopher Berkeley Naoto Hashimoto Yosuke Hatta Yutaka Hirata Kentaro Mizuno
简介:The third season began on March 14, 2009 with the three-part premiere, Transwarped, and ended on May 23, 2009. This season following the events of Transwarped focused on the Autobots' attempt to reach Cybertron in order to warn the Autobot High Council of Shockwave, who has been masquerading as Autobot Intelligence Officer Longarm Prime. Meanwhile, Megatron, Starscream, Shockwave (who replaces Blitzwing as a main character), and Lugnut plan to use the colossal Autobot Omega Supreme for constructing clones of him (dubbed as Lugnut Supremes, as they appear similar to Lugnut).
导演:James Kent
简介: 肖邦的《G小调第一叙事曲》总长仅九分钟,诞生至今已有近二百年,却依然有着特殊的魅力,不但在视频网站上创下数百万的点击率,更影响着今天许多人的生活。本片讲述了两个普通人——苏格兰青年保罗和日本中学生桃香,在各自经历了人生的不幸之后,因肖邦的叙事曲而重新振作,勇敢面对今后的生活。伊莫金·库珀、弗拉基米尔·阿什肯纳齐、朗朗、斯蒂芬·霍夫等钢琴演奏家也将轮番登场,详细剖析这首不同寻常的钢琴曲,为我们揭开音符中的奥妙。 This hour-long documentary, directed by BAFTA and Emmy award winning director James Kent, meets Japanese teenager Momoka and Scottish music student Paul Murray to explore how Chopin’s extraordinary Ballade Number 1 transforms the lives of ordinary people and illustrates how classical music still penetrates contemporary life in unexpected and powerful ways. Momoka, is a 15-year-old pianist from Sendai, Japan, whose community was decimated by the 2011 tsunami and earthquakes. For Momoka, the Ballade embodies the anguish and rebellion she feels but doesn't allow to surface. For 22-year-old Paul from Glasgow, the piece is life-changing. Paul grew up in Bellshill, a working class suburb of Glasgow. He first played piano at 15, and it opened up a whole new world for him. During his first term studying on the B.Mus (Hons) degree programme at the University of Aberdeen, Paul was diagnosed with a brain tumour and then MS which both eventually caused him to lose the ability to walk and to play with his right hand. Waiting in his hospital bed in between operations over three months, he played the Ballade again and again on the iPod his dad Stephen had given him. It was that single piece's emotional pull that Paul credits with the return of his memory. Paul told us some more about his involvement in the programme: "I have been for some time now transcribing the Ballade in g minor for the left-hand alone. The reason being I played this piece back in high school and with the medical complications lost the ability to play perhaps my favourite piece of all time. Luckily for my this piece was going to be the subject of a major documentary and with my story and attachment to the Ballade I was selected to be involved!" The film includes interviews with some of the world's greatest pianists including Stephen Hough, Lang Lang and Vladimir Ashkenazy. It was shown on Channel 4 in August and trailers can still be viewed on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3J6KDmTE0F0 / http://youtu.be/4JM_KELsU4c The documentary was awarded 2nd place in the 'Halo' Best Arts Documentary award category at the awards ceremony on Monday, 4 November 2013 at the Queen Elizabeth Hall at London’s Southbank Centre. The ceremony was filmed and shown on Sky Atlantic.
主演:马丁·斯科塞斯 伊莱亚斯·科泰斯
导演:Kent Jones
简介:Val Lewton: The Man in the Shadows (also known as Martin Scorsese Presents: Val Lewton – The Man in the Shadows) is a documentary tribute to Val Lewton, the producer of a series of distinctive low-budget horror films for RKO Radio Pictures, presented and narrated by director Martin Scorsese.
主演:斯蒂文·麦金托什 沃伦·布朗 Nicola Walker Ashley Walters Hannah Merry
导演:James Kent
简介: 克瑞斯(艾什雷·沃特斯 Ashley Walters 饰)是一名保安,某日,他同一位名叫蒂塔(Leila Mimmack 饰)的美丽女子坠入了爱河,为了谱写两人美好的未来,他需要一大笔钱。马库斯(沃伦·布朗 Warren Brown 饰)是卡车司机,曾经,他借来了巨款想要投资发廊生意,却亏得血本无归,如今,只有还清债务才能够让他和妻子吉娜(凯尔丝通·沃尔英 Kierston Wareing 饰)的生活重回正轨。 约翰(斯蒂文·麦金托什 Steven Mackintosh 饰)公司的账房经理,某日,他发现公司的账户中竟然一下子少了五万英镑,约翰想来想去,全公司只有克瑞斯和马库斯最为可疑,他找来了两人,但并没有将他们交给警察,因为他的内心里打着自己的算盘。
主演:WalterAckerman CharlesChapman DoloresCostello James Young Rose Tapley 弗劳伦斯·特娜 葛莱蒂丝·哈利特 William Humphrey 朱莉娅·斯威恩·戈登 Charles Chapman 海伦·科斯特洛 Walter Ackerman 莫里斯·科斯特罗 多洛雷斯·卡斯特洛 William V. Ranous 克拉拉·金博·杨
导演:Charles Kent;J. Stuart Blackton
简介:故事发生在风景秀丽的托斯卡纳乡下,特修斯公爵正在积极的准备着自己即将到来的婚礼。在这样一个充满了幸福和快乐的氛围里,传来了不和谐的争吵之声,原来,伊吉斯的女儿郝米亚(泰莎·波纳姆·琼斯 Tessa Bonham Jones 饰)不愿嫁给与她门当户对的贵族迪米特吕斯,因为她爱上了默默无闻的青年莱桑德(奥利弗·克里斯 Oliver Chris 饰)。 德高望重的特修斯公爵命令郝米亚听从父亲的命令,郝米亚的好友海伦娜也极力的劝说着倔强的郝米亚。悲痛中,郝米亚决定和爱人私奔,迪米特吕斯和海伦娜紧随其后,四人先后进入了幽暗的森林之中,在森林里,不仅有正在排练的表演团,还住着拥有神奇法术的仙王和仙后。
主演:威尔·法瑞尔 伍迪·哈里森 安德雷·本杰明 威尔·阿奈特 安迪·里克特 金伯利·伊万 Steven Valdez 克林特·詹姆斯 Mark J. Ferreri 约什·布拉腾 菲尔·亨德里 Karen Berg Peter Cornell Justen Naughton 毛拉·蒂尔内 Ellia English 莉莉·阿斯瓦 MaShae Alderman David E. Brown Ryan Curtis Jeff Crispi Laurie Curtis 布莱恩·赫斯基 Michael Westph
导演:Kent Alterman
简介: 本片讲述了美国篮球协会(American Basketball Association,或简写成ABA)的故事,ABA创建于1967年,和美国NBA联盟互相竞争,直到1976年被协议兼并至另一个已经建立成熟的联盟NBA, 最终四支ABA球队被吸纳参加了原来的NBA联盟。伍迪·哈里 森所饰演的就是一个在NBA常年坐冷板凳的队员,在回归ABA后,为了避免球队解散,打算带领队友们最后一博重返NBA。
主演:Nancy Travis Jackson Pace Tra’Renee Chambers
导演:John Kent Harrison
简介: 故事描述性格传统的高中女教师Trish Fahey对学生自由散漫、不思进取的行为十分不解,对家长听之任之的态度更是十分气愤。在她看来,学习成绩糟糕但是很会打篮球的Justin Kremer是「坏学生」的典型代表。Trish本想好好教育一下Justin不负责任的妈妈Cindy Cremer,但事情却出现了戏剧性的变化……Trish遇见了神秘女人Molly,对方极力劝说她换一个角度来看世界。一场车祸之后,Trish的意识在另一个女人体内醒来--不是别人,正是她一直指责的「坏妈妈」Cindy!这是怎么回事?Molly与这件事有何关系?Trish的命运如何?
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