主演:Chris Spencer Todd Sherry Frank Maharajh Steve Glickman Eric Tiede
导演:Craig Moss
简介: 先来看看这个片的片名——“The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It”(这个让莎拉·马歇尔怀孕、并且感觉“超级坏”的41岁老处男,这么翻译起来真拗口啊),神奇的不是哪位阿帕图的粉丝把这三个片(《40岁老处男》、《超级坏》、《忘掉莎拉·马歇尔》)揉在一块,神奇的是这么个山寨片还做得有模有样,并且还能发行DVD!(亚马逊上面已经有卖的了)总之,比起原片,山寨版更雷更猥琐,大家看看图个乐。
主演:曼迪·摩尔 Mandy Moore 米洛·文堤米利亚 Milo Ventimiglia 贾斯汀·哈特雷 Justin Hartley 克丽丝·梅斯 Chrissy Metz 斯特林·K.布朗 Sterling K. Brown 克里斯·沙利文 Chris Sullivan 艾伦·锡克 Alan Thicke 乔·胡尔特拉斯 Jon Huertas 杰拉尔德·麦克雷尼 Gerald McRaney 凯特蕾·萨加尔 Katey Sagal 布拉德·加内特 Brad Garrett 詹妮
导演:约翰·里夸 John Requa 格伦·费卡拉 Glenn Ficarra 肯·奥林 Ken Olin 小乔治·提尔曼 George Tillman Jr. 克雷格·兹斯克 Craig Zisk Silas Howard 莎拉·皮亚·安德森 Sarah Pia Anderson 乌塔·布里兹维茨 Uta Briesewitz 海伦·亨特 Helen Hunt 蒂莫西·布斯菲尔德 Timothy Busfield 克里斯·科赫 Chris Koch 温蒂·斯坦齐勒 Wendey St
简介: 讲述一群不同的人,他们其中一些人的共同点就是「同一天生日」,他们的生活故事以有趣的方式交叉在一起。 Mandy Moore扮演Rebecca, Jack可爱的妻子也是最好的朋友。搬到匹兹堡后生了三胞胎。Milo Ventimiglia饰演Jack。 Justin Har tley 扮演Kevin, 一个英俊且当红的电视演员,有着异常无趣没有终期的单身生活。 Sterling Brown扮演Randall,衣着光鲜亮丽在纽约工作的顾家生意人。与老婆Beth 合作无间地养育着两个女儿。 Susan Kelechi Watson 扮演Beth,Randall老婆 Ron Cephas Jones 扮演William, Randall的生父。在Randall一出生的时候就遗弃了他。 Chrissy Metz 扮演Kate, 跟很多女人一样烦恼着饮食和身材. 她用便条贴贴满整个公寓来体型自己要控制饮食。她是Kevin的孪生姐姐,但是各方面跟Kevin完全相反。
主演:彼得·克劳斯 劳伦·艾波罗丝 弗莱迪·罗德里格兹 迈克尔·C·豪尔 瑞切尔·格里菲斯
导演:Michael Cuesta Craig Wright (writer)
主演:丹尼·特乔 Danny Trejo 丹尼·格洛弗 Danny Glover 安德鲁·迪沃夫 Andrew Divoff 杰奎琳·奥拉德丝 Jacqueline Obradors
导演:Craig Moss
简介:Bad Asses (also known as Bad Ass 2: Bad Asses) is a 2014 action film starring Danny www. chaoji365.com Trejo and Danny Glover, written and directed by Craig Moss. The film is a sequel to the 2012 film Bad Ass, and was released on DVD during spring 2014. Since we last saw Frank, he followed his dream and opened a Community Center in East Los Angeles where he mentors young boxers, not only in the ring, but in life. When his prized student, Manny, gets in over his head with a bad crowd and winds up dead, Frank and Bernie team up, finding themselves ensnared in one life-threatening
主演:Jack McBrayer April Winchell Keith Ferguson
导演:Craig McCracken
简介:曾出品《飞天小女警》《德克斯特实验室》的著名动画制作人Craig McCracken离开卡通频道,加盟迪士尼之后的首部作品《星际漫步》(Wander Over Yonder),围绕宇宙中一个无忧无虑的流浪者Wander展开。Wander与自己的坐骑Sylvia自由自在地生活着,即便想要称霸宇宙的大反派Lord Hater经常四处作恶,破坏各个星球原本平静的秩序,看似什么也不在乎的Wander却总能在不经意间让Lord Hater的阴谋破产。画风怪诞而精致,故事情节和配音也幽默而恰到好处。在不自由的环境下也要努力保持一种自由的心态,也许环境也会因此渐渐发生积极的改变,这大概是创作者想要借此片传递的信息吧。
主演:詹妮弗·卡朋特 文斯·沃恩 汤姆·盖里 唐·约翰逊
导演:S. Craig Zahler
简介: 曾是拳击手与运毒贩的 Bradley Thomas 迫于家庭生计重操旧业,眼看生活重回正轨却因一桩擦枪走火的交易而将遭受牢狱之灾。与此同时,面对上家针对妻女的威胁,身陷囹圄的 Bradley 又将进行怎样的挣扎与反抗? 本片由 S·克雷格·扎勒 (S. Craig Zahler) 执导,作为非竞赛作品参映第74届威尼斯电影节,并获提名第42届多伦多国际电影节“午夜疯狂”单元观众选择奖、第44届土星奖最佳惊悚影片,主演文斯·沃恩 (Vince Vaughn) 则获得同届土星奖最佳男演员提名。
主演:莎拉·兰卡斯特 柯林·莫齐里
简介:Elise MacReynolds is no fan of Christmas. Growing up on a tree farm meant every holiday was spent selling Christmas trees on a cold street corner. But when she loses her job and her dad breaks his leg, Elise agrees to run the family tree stand for one last season. Unfortunately for Elise, the family business that has always hosted the MacReynolds' Farms tree lot has been acquired by home decor conglomerate Brook Glen Elise gets off on the wrong foot with surly Brook Glen CEO Gary Dixon when she almost knocks him down while unloading a big tree. Gary thinks the trees are horrible for business and sets in motion a plan to get rid of the lot, for good. Despite her battles with Gary, Elise finds herself catching the holiday spirit as she helps the denizens of NYC find their one perfect tree: Everyone from a baby-on-the-way couple, to a professional basketball team, to a young boy picking out his first tree. Christmas also proves to be the season for romance when charming repeat customer ...
主演:Casper Van Dien Bruce Boxleitner Ernest Borgnine
导演:Craig R. Baxley
简介: 已经冒险在未知的西部定居,一个镇开往铁路伟大,突然发现自己被无情的枪杀和平居民。没有法律和秩序被发现,正义落到肩膀一个老年的牧场主和完成,但退休,神枪。
别名:Alex Cross
主演:阿尔迪斯·霍吉 詹妮弗·威格莫尔 梅赛德斯·德拉泽尔达 莎伦·泰勒 Siobhan Murphy Stacie Greenwell Ashley Rios Darnell Bartholomew 艾赛亚·穆斯塔法 Briana Starks Kristin Dodson 尼尔·怀特利 马修·里沃德 约翰·威斯利·查特曼 珍妮·梅森 Darien Martin 斯蒂芬妮·贝尔丁 斯图亚特·道林 瑞安·艾戈尔德 杰西卡·克莱门特
导演:恩辛哈·斯图尔特 Craig Siebels
别名:Goldilocks and the Three Bears Death and Porridge金发姑娘与三只熊死亡与粥
主演:Julian Amos Olga Solo Jack Barry
导演:Craig Rees
主演:Russell Shaw Ryan Spong Sarah Alexandra Marks
导演:Craig Hinde Marc Zammit
简介: Small town, England. 1575. William embarks on a journey to prove the innocence of his wife, Twyla, falsely accused of being a witch and will be put to death if found guilty. William must hunt down the real witch, to save Twyla from death.
主演:Heather Ann Davis Eric Callero Frank Pacheco
导演:Craig Moss
简介: 一个名叫Stella的年轻女子被*迫在“自我”的吸血鬼Edward和“好色”的狼人Jacob间选择。哪个男孩能满足Stella更亲密的需求得到演出。期盼大量的笑话,不适合年轻的Taylor Lautner影迷。 A comedic spoof based on the worldwide phenomenon, The Twilight Saga. Raunchy hilarity ensues when Bella's life becomes threatened by the vengeful Victoria and her gang of bloodsucking newborns, and Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences in order to save Bella's life. The love triangle of mortals, vampires and werewolves must be cast aside when the beloved Bella is in danger. Again. This time a gang of bloodsucking newborns threatens her life, and the two loves of her life are forced to put their differences aside to save her. Again. From the director who brought you “The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About it” comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the “Twilight Saga”: “New Moon” and “Eclipse”. Raunchy hilarity ensures when Bella’s life becomes threatened by the vengeful Victoria and her gang of blood sucking newborns and Edward and Jacob must put aside their differences in order to save her life ?From the director who brought you “The 41 Year Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Super Bad About it” comes the new wildly funny spoof of the latest films from the “Twilight Saga"
主演:莎拉·兰卡斯特 柯林·莫齐里
简介:Elise MacReynolds is no fan of Christmas. Growing up on a tree farm meant every holiday was spent selling Christmas trees on a cold street corner. But when she loses her job and her dad breaks his leg, Elise agrees to run the family tree stand for one last season. Unfortunately for Elise, the family business that has always hosted the MacReynolds' Farms tree lot has been acquired by home decor conglomerate Brook Glen Elise gets off on the wrong foot with surly Brook Glen CEO Gary Dixon when she almost knocks him down while unloading a big tree. Gary thinks the trees are horrible for business and sets in motion a plan to get rid of the lot, for good. Despite her battles with Gary, Elise finds herself catching the holiday spirit as she helps the denizens of NYC find their one perfect tree: Everyone from a baby-on-the-way couple, to a professional basketball team, to a young boy picking out his first tree. Christmas also proves to be the season for romance when charming repeat customer ...
主演:雨果·斯皮尔 莎朗·斯莫 Bailey Patrick 托里·艾伦-马丁
导演:Craig Pickles Fiona Walton Sean Glynn
简介: London Kills tells the story of a team of top murder detectives, shot like a documentary. Each episode features a different murder in addition to a serialized story involving the lead detective’s missing wife.
主演:杰森·奥玛拉 谢莉·康恩 克里斯蒂尼·亚当斯 艾莉森·米勒 兰登·莱伯隆 娜奥米·斯科特 Alana Mansour 史蒂芬·朗 鲁德·哈利特 Simone Kessell 迪恩·盖耶 Melissa Thompson Damien Garvey 达米安·瓦尔谢·霍林 埃默利雅波恩 Erin Connor Peter Lamb Matthew Scully
导演:Craig Silverstein Kelly Marcel
主演:大卫·爱登堡 希尔维亚·厄尔 本·福格尔 Craig Leeson 巴拉克·奥巴马 Jo Ruxton Tanya Streeter
导演:Craig Leeson
简介: 发现世界海洋里满是塑料垃圾后,这名纪录片导演调查了该污染对环境的恶劣影响。
主演:安东·尤金 伊莫琴·普茨 柯林·法瑞尔
导演:Craig Gillespie
简介: 高中生查理·布鲁斯特(安东·尤金 Anton Yelchin 饰) 和母亲生活在位于拉斯维加斯腹地的宁静社区内,他像其他同龄人一样,聊聊闲天儿,憧憬一下美丽的女同学。这一天,查理的生活出现波澜,名叫亚当的同学失踪,童年时代的好友埃德(克里斯托夫·梅兹-普莱瑟 Christopher Mintz-Plasse 饰)怀疑亚当的失踪与吸血鬼有关,于是胁迫查理一同寻找。与此同时,布鲁斯特家的隔壁搬来了一名新邻居,帅气俊朗的成年男子杰瑞(柯林·法瑞尔 Colin Farrell 饰),他迷人的气质与外表征服了查理的妈妈,但是他的真实身份似乎又与埃德调查的吸血鬼有关。阴云密布的社区,诡异事件悄然发生…… 本片翻拍自1985年的同名影片。
主演:凯瑟琳·贝尔 拜莉·麦迪逊 詹姆斯·丹顿 莱斯·马修·邦德
导演:Craig Pryce
简介:Good Witch is set in the fictional town of Middleton and follows Cassie Nightingale (Catherine Bell) and her bright teenage daughter Grace (Bailee Madison), who shares her mom's special intuitive charm. Sam (James Denton), a doctor, and his teenage son (Rhys Matthew Bond) live next door and are charmed by the "magical"…
主演:埃伦·里斯 尤利安·卢曼 María Fernández Ache 恩里克·阿尔切 菲利浦·布化尼克迈耶 查理·希格森 迈克尔·吉普森 大卫·莫拉 埃琳娜·沙雷 蕾欧诺·瓦特林
导演:Craig Pickles 罗伯·伊万斯 Kate Cheeseman
简介: In Season Three, amid high-stakes adventures, treasure hunts, arson, kidnappings, and murders, Max and Miranda’s personal tensions and odd-couple partnership are put to the test. Overseeing their cases is the mercurial and volatile Inés Villegas.
主演:凯拉·帕特 彼德·考约特 马尔科姆·斯图尔特
导演:Craig Shapiro
主演:凯拉·帕特 彼德·考约特 马尔科姆·斯图尔特
导演:Craig Shapiro
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