主演:吉米·巴姆博 马修·本内特 詹姆斯·卡利斯 保罗·坎贝尔 翠西亚·希弗 爱德华·詹姆斯·奥莫斯 朴敏庆 妮基·克莱因
主演:卢卡·津加雷蒂 Dino Abbrescia 马可·科奇
导演:Renato De Maria
简介:富有的工业家丹蒂·比拉迪内里离开工厂时在女儿面前被绑架。鉴于绑匪的凶残本性,长官们要求万利瑞奥指挥的特种部队参与营救。也因此将患有严重心脏病的七岁女孩史戴拉和他的父亲分开了。父亲又一次让女儿失望,因为工作要求又不能陪女儿了。因为这次任务,万利瑞奥不得不从最勇敢的战士中选出最勇敢的四个人和他一起参加行动,尽管这四个人没有任何经验。随着事件错综复杂的不断发展,绑匪似乎越来越贪婪,他们不断撕毁协议,给警方采取最后行动制造困难。 万利瑞奥的内心在责任感和重病中的女儿之间斗争着,最后他决定把工作放在第二位,回到病床
别名:因果效应 A Matter of Causality2021,因果效应 A Matter of Causality
主演:Brian James Twiddy Isabel Nesti Juliette Boor
导演:Annarie Boor
主演:GregStuhr 艾丽卡·巴赫蕾达-库鲁斯 卡米拉·贝勒 马修·布罗德里克 罗伯特·福斯特 詹妮安·加罗法洛 格兰特·肖德 罗伯特·沃恩 哈里斯·于林 乔·格里法西 斯蒂芬·亨德森 NormSham KelseySiepser DonStuhr DanielaGalli
简介:In 1943, revolutionary inventor Nikola Tesla died penniless in the New Yorker Hotel. Within 24 hours the U.S. government seized everything in his room. But one design was already missing. Seventy years later in Buffalo, NY, a brilliant young engineer has found it. And the only person she can trust is a low-rent detective with a pack-a-day habit.
主演:JohnCorbett JessicaSteen BrittanyDaniel
简介:故事发生在美国新奥尔良市,一年一度的狂欢节正在如火如荼的进行之中。就在节日热烈的气氛被炒到顶峰之时,德沃公园突然发生了塌陷事故,市长助理艾莉森(杰西卡·斯汀 Jessica Steen 饰)很快就赶到了现场。可怕的事情并没有就此结束,入夜,塌陷事故接连发生,整个城市岌岌可危。 万分危急之中,艾莉森只得向自己的男友马特(约翰·考伯特 John Corbett 饰)发出求助信号,马特是一名地质学家,因为曾经的一场矿坑塌陷事故而患上了创伤症,从此再也不问世事。马特经过专业的调查震惊的发现,这座城市即将整个陷入地下,为了将伤亡人数控制到最小,政府必须立刻疏散正在狂欢的人群。
主演:John Corbett Jessica Steen Brittany Daniel
导演:Mario Azzopardi
简介: 故事发生在美国新奥尔良市,一年一度的狂欢节正在如火如荼的进行之中。就在节日热烈的气氛被炒到顶峰之时,德沃公园突然发生了塌陷事故,市长助理艾莉森(杰西卡·斯汀 Jessica Steen 饰)很快就赶到了现场。可怕的事情并没有就此结束,入夜,塌陷事故接连发生,整个城市岌岌可危。 万分危急之中,艾莉森只得向自己的男友马特(约翰·考伯特 John Corbett 饰)发出求助信号,马特是一名地质学家,因为曾经的一场矿坑塌陷事故而患上了创伤症,从此再也不问世事。马特经过专业的调查震惊的发现,这座城市即将整个陷入地下,为了将伤亡人数控制到最小,政府必须立刻疏散正在狂欢的人群。
主演:兰迪塔·达斯 艾娜·克洛特 Vaibhavi Hankare 纳比·达克利 玛丽娜·伽特尔
导演:María Ripoll
简介: Despite her fame and fortune, Mina, a successful Indian actress in Mumbai, can't forget her little sister Sita, from whom she was forced to separate after their mother's death in a village. Thirty years later she will finally find out that Sita is alive and well in Barcelona. However, Sita's adoptive parents have erased all traces of her past. She is now called Paula, works as a researcher in Biology and has no recollection of her Indian background, let alone of Mina. Faced with the shocking truths of her past, Paula begins a long journey of self-discovery, aided along the way by her budding romance with the handsome Indian immigrant Prakash. A story of hope and love across Mumbai and Barcelona; from India to the Mediterranean and all the way back.
主演:寇寇·马汀 安吉丽卡·庞阿尼班 Gelli de Belen Ketchup Eusebio Cai Cortez Matet De Leon Dante Rivero Teresa Loyzaga 诺曼·Z·麦克劳德 平克·阿马多 Cheska Iñigo Jeremiah Lisbo Keith Dallison
导演:Mae Czarina Cruz
简介: Despite their attraction to each other and Leon's persistence in pursuing Angel, the latter's dream of becoming rich prevents them from having a lasting relationship.
主演:Richard Dean Anderson Michael Shanks Ben Browder Amanda Tapping
导演:William Waring
主演:Richard Dean Anderson Michael Shanks Amanda Tapping Ben Browder
导演:William Waring
主演:Richard Dean Anderson Amanda Tapping
导演:William Waring
导演:William Waring
导演:William Waring
导演:William Waring
导演:William Waring
导演:William Waring
主演:Jessee Foudray
导演:Luke Jaden Jeanne Jo Arif Khan Young Min Kim 达米安·莱韦克 Joe Russo 爱丽森·阿什莉·阿姆 Ben Sottak
简介: Horror anthology feature film comprised of a compilation of shorts curated by Fun Size Horror.
主演:Lisa Loven Per Kjerstad Andersen Ann Eleonora Jørgensen
导演:Arild Fröhlich
简介:体型臃肿、相貌平平的瑞诺(Nils Jørgen Kaalstad 饰)是一个专事工具书翻译的宅男,他大多数时间呆在家里,幻想着和性感美丽的女子共度春宵。但由于外貌和性格的原因,瑞诺的爱情始终没有着落,只能依靠漫画和自慰来排遣心中的寂寞,嗜酒如命的怪人费里普(Kyrre Hellum 饰)是他唯一的朋友。某天,瑞诺的父亲自作主张为他找来一个室友,那是个名叫马琳(Josefin Ljungman 饰)的瑞典女孩。她性感魅力,体型曼妙,沉迷性和烟酒,尽情享受20岁的狂放年华。瑞诺对马琳心有所属,却又无比自卑。在马琳的引领下,瑞诺逐渐走进这个年轻人的圈子,只是,心与心的距离能否就此拉近? 本片荣获2009年挪威阿曼达奖最佳导演奖。
导演:Marilyn Agrelo
简介:How did a group of rebels create the world’s most famous street? In 1969 New York, this “gang” of mission-driven artists, writers and educators catalyzed a moment of civil awakening, transforming it intoSesame Street, one of the most influential and impactful television programs in history.
主演:Eric Roberts Emilia Torello 何塞·埃雷拉 Michelle Elizabeth O'Shea
导演:Mario N. Bonassin
简介: 在蜿蜒流长的亚马逊河流域的雨林深处,传说和秘密让雨林之外的人们振奋不已。在哥伦比亚的一次旅行中,一群大学生前往山区寻找洞穴绘画。没有想到恶梦却就此展开!未过多久,接连有人死亡。人们终于开始意识到此地的危险性他们的前方出现可以的滑行痕迹。一只一度被认为已经灭绝的50英尺长的巨蟒却潜伏在灌木丛中,渴望鲜血。它的鳞片比盔甲还要坚硬,视力范围是一般蛇的9倍,最骇人听闻的是有如无底洞的胃。这群大学生开始只能拼命的逃跑,但是无奈手无寸铁。根本没有能力抵抗。不过最终他们还是发现了蟒蛇的弱点,大家合力设计了一个陷阱,消灭了蟒蛇。
主演:Cassandra Delaney Peter Ford David Sandford Garry Who
导演:Mario Andreacchio
简介: A young woman running a wildlife sanctuary in the Australian outback is in for trouble when she is confronted by three kangaroo hunters. Bored with killing kangaroos, they decide to kill the animals in the sanctuary, and when they see how attractive the owner is, they decide to have a little "fun" with her, too. Turns out that they may get a bit more "fun" than they bargained for.
主演:切瑞·拉德 贝丝·阿姆斯特朗 William Remington Moses 林蒂·布丝 John Raston
导演:Waris Hussein
简介: Successful architect Will Roberts organizes a grand surprise birthday party for his wife Mandy with their daughter Kelly and college days friend, only to be told afterward she wants a divorce to lead her own life. Soon each spouse commits to another lover.
主演:Samvel Ovasapian Komitas Vardapet
导演:Don Askarian
简介: The film is dedicated to the Armenian monk and genius composer Komitas, and the 2 million victims on his people in Turkey in 1915. The final 20 years of Komitas life were spent in various mental hospitals. The destiny of Komitas? This is the magic beauty of Armenian culture and the abhorrent brutality of Armenian history. A cultural and artistic world that was slaughtered with a curved knife. A humanity that doggedly advances towards an apocalyptic catastrophe, that does not recognize its own original purpose, eradicates its own memory, its final roots.
主演:卢克·崔德威 Luke Treadaway Niamh Cusack Paul Ritter 妮可拉·沃克 Nicola Walker Una Stubbs Sophie Duval Nicholas Sidi Matthew Barker
导演:Marianne Elliott
导演:Katharina Kastner
简介: What could the fate of the Villa Empain, Baron Empain’s crazy project in Brussels, which has gone through a long and eventful journey since its completion in 1934, possibly inspire? Katharina Kastner’s challenge was to draw the portrait of the place, keeping in mind the work of time, like in a human existence. Shot in 16mm, her film appeals to the senses, it captures the stirring of leaves undulating in the garden light, the movement of iridescent pearls, or the colourful games of a piece by Daniel Buren. Without a word, but with a caressing camera, she pays close attention to the hidden patterns on the gorgeous marbles, or to the veins in the most precious types of wood used to decorate the rooms. In slight touches, regardless of the monumental aspect of the 27.000 square-feet villa and the pool that so impressed its first visitors, Katharina Kastner o ers an organic vision of the place, which has been marked by the trials and tribulations of life, and used successively as a museum, an embassy and a squat, until its final renovation. The clever editing makes furtive connections, underlines colour associations, mixes up times and tactile sensations, while the spaces we explore keep rustling. The film takes us on a reminiscing journey, with slices of Empain’s life, from the family archive here on a holiday, there playing on the beach, images from a distant past that keep haunting the premises. The film reveals to us this living space that was designed like a piece of art, but it does so in a wandering way. This dream vision guides us through the villa like an echo of foregone fantasies, a mental space, but also a welcoming backdrop for the work of time. A bit like the fingerprint work we see in the film, or the slight touch of a pencil on a blank sheet.
主演:玛丽卢·托洛 Riccardo Salvino Glauco Onorato Altea De Nicola Gino Pagnani
导演:Roberto Pariante 达里奥·阿基多
主演:伊莱·罗斯 马修·达达里奥 盖琦·格莱特利 达斯汀·英格拉姆 Louise Linton Samuel Davis
导演:Travis Zariwny
简介: 在一个阳光明媚的日子里,凯伦(盖琦·格莱特利 Gage Golightly 饰)、保罗(塞缪尔·戴维斯 Samuel Davis 饰)、杰夫(马修·达达里奥 Matthew Daddario 饰)、玛茜(娜蒂安·克劳克 Nadine Crocker 饰)、伯特(达斯汀·英格拉姆 Dustin Ingram 饰)等五位好友来到了一个远离城市喧嚣的山林度假。男男女女尽情享受浪漫时光,脑子有点儿二的伯特则拿着半自动步枪玩耍,却不小心伤到了路人。夜幕降临,他们回到小屋休息。而就在此时,被伯特射伤的男人前来求救。伯特为了隐藏真相谎称该男子被神秘病毒感染,以致于众人下狠手将其拒之门外。 这一事件彻底摧毁了他们的假期,等待几个年轻人的还有更为恐怖的事情……
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