简介: 铁达尼号船难是世界最著名的船难事件,其残骸就躺在大西洋12,000尺深的冰冷海底。自从1985年发现铁达尼号残骸后,沉船地点虽有多次探勘,迄今仍无人能完整记录这块荒凉海床上的实际情况。如今在船难发生一世纪后,总算能揭开整片沉船地点的全貌,我们将以虚拟方式抽乾铁达尼号里的水,透过惊人的视觉特效技术呈现抽水过程,让观众宛如在现场观看残骸浮出海面的情景,继1912年4月15日沉没后首度完整重现全船样貌。虚拟空拍画面让我们能探索沉船地点,解开长久以来的谜团。
主演:Craig Sechler
导演:Jobim Sampson
简介: 电脑合成影像用虚拟的方式,清空百慕达三角的海水,解答长久以来的谜团。为何常有船只在这一区失踪,而虚拟清空海水真能破除此一难解之谜吗?
简介: 本系列节目将展示全球最强壮汉比赛选手的训练过程,比赛经过以及接受药检的实况,你也能看见选手比赛生涯最精彩表现的珍贵画面。 这些超越人类极限的选手将现身说法,节目中也将透过电脑动画解释他们的最精湛表现,帮助观众更了解这种复杂细腻的运动。节目中介绍的所有比赛项目,都包括破解相关迷思的「行家秘诀」单元,并揭发冒牌货的欺骗手段。节目中也将透过「真材实料」单元,深入说明各种惊人表现的幕後事实。人体力量似乎潜力无穷,当你自认已经达到极限,总是有人能打破纪录,达到一般认为非常人可及的境界
主演:罗素·布尔特 Russell Boulter
导演:迈克·斯利 Mike Slee
简介: 第二次世界大战留下了史上最多的隐藏在海浪之下的舰船和潜艇。现在,随着海洋的干涸,以及能够使基于新数据的3D重建工作进行的调查和扫描,每艘船都能讲述自己的故事以及一系列全新的解释。 我们从珍珠港和亚利桑那号的残骸出发,在那里有新证据证实了谁打响了战争的第一枪。然后到北卡罗莱纳州海岸,在那里我们揭示了U型潜艇是多么成功。然后进入欧洲,在那里通过对纳粹的超级战舰俾斯麦号的观察,我们可以知道她是沉船了还是被击没了。此外,对运兵船利奥波德维尔号沉没事件的调查表明了数百名士兵不必要地丧生。
简介: 玛雅人于800多年前写下预言,他们预见基督教的来临与西班牙征服中美洲,此外他们还预测到第一次世界大战,希特勒的崛起与2006年12月重创东南亚的海啸,再过短短几年,即2012年12月21日,马雅人预测一场史无前例的天灾,将摧毁地球消灭人类。2012年12月21日逐渐逼近,玛雅人的预言受到全球瞩目。2009年11月,导演罗兰·艾默瑞奇的全新灾难片大作“2012”首映,它正是以玛雅人的预测为故事主轴,然而马雅人的预言背后是否有科学根据?请看本节目的抽丝剥茧。
主演:Erik Thompson Arlo Hemphill Jason Bice
导演:Jonathan B. Taylor
简介: Over sixty years after the end of World War II, recently declassified documents and contemporary experiments offer insight into a multitude of attempts at assassinating one of the most feared and despised dictators of the 20th Century. As the Nazi war machine spread terror and death across Europe, there were at least forty-two documented plots to kill Adolf Hitler and bring his regime crumbling to the ground. But who were the men that offered to lay their own lives on the line for the sake of killing one of history's most despised tyrants, and just how did they plan on accomplishing such a formidable feat? In this documentary, the filmmakers at National Geographic offer detailed insight into the forty-two assassination plots that may have altered the course of history had they actually succeeded. ~ Jason Buchanan, All Movie Guide 从最近的一堆已解密的绝密档案中,发现有多达42次试图刺杀德国独裁者-希特勒的行为,最著名的莫过于1944年7月20日的施陶芬伯格事件,当然最终还是成功的几乎没有。了跟随这个节目,让我们来了解了解当年的历史始末吧。
主演:National Geographic
导演:National Geographic
简介: 四具遗体加上处处散落的蛛丝马迹,这个大谜团解开之后,我们或许就必须改写历史。这四具木乃伊所属的世界早已消逝,那是在两千六百年前到四千年前的中国西部,早在马可波罗和丝路出现之前。但是这些沉埋多年的尸体酷似欧洲人,而伴随出土的工具当年在当地根本就还前所未见。他们是谁?他们来自何处?他们对史前时代的文化科技传播有何影响?国家地理的驻会探险家史宾赛韦尔斯,长期研究这些在中国塔里木盆地发现的木乃伊,拜新近的先进DNA科技和独家基因图谱数据库所赐,研究直到近日才渐露曙光,而对于东西方紧密相关的历史也有了更新的了解。 国家地理开启一具埋葬着不明人士的古棺,他们要判定这批在中国西部出土的神秘木乃伊来自何处,他们的发现或许将改变我们对世界的认知。
简介: The USS Freedom and USS Independence are the pioneering warships changing the face of battle on the sea with cutting edge design. Go inside the rigid testing that these ships must face to become part of the Navy. From a simulated high-speed attack to test the ships' guns and cannons to helicopter launches and technical failures, watch these ships attempt to achieve their mission objectives to ultimately be integrated into the U.S. Navy's Surface fleet.
简介:在寇汀纳安沛索 (Cortina d'Ampezzo) 举办冬季运动大会的 50 年后,全世界的运动员终于再度齐聚义大利参加冬季奥运。计有 2,500 名选手参赛,比赛共分为七种运动,共 15 项,而比赛地点则分为七处。另外,预计将有约 150 万人能在这几处比赛点现场观看。第 20 届冬季奥运的举办地点不只在杜林市区,还包括北义大利环绕该城市的大部分郊区。 这次冬季奥运能办得有声有色,并非只是说杜林城市与地区间现有的基础建设有多好......
简介: A fascinating exploration, in 2 episodes, of the global phenomena of skyscrapers over 300 m tall. From the world's tallest buildings to those currently under construction, engineer Rob Bell goes on a journey to uncover the secrets of these giants. Episode 1 sets out to reveal what is driving the revolution in super skyscrapers and the challenges involved in the design and construction of the foundations and the super structures of these towers. https://sharethefiles.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=275909
简介: Following last year's successful documentary exploring the world of Thailand's ladyboys, this new thought-provoking series offers further insight into a sector of Thai society that makes up one per cent of the country's population. This revealing documentary explores the world of transsexuals in Thailand, and follows two Americans who travel to Bangkok for sex change surgery, and a British ex-pat looking for love.
导演:Charles Colville
简介: 理查德·哈蒙德主持的《理查德·哈蒙德:看不见的世界》带领我们超出人眼视觉极限的平行宇宙世界,本片利用顶尖科技来探索极限以外的世界。
主演:大卫·哈雷伍德 Wisdom
导演:Sara Douglas Will Ridgeon Evie Wright
简介: 这是一部关于世界上最有标志性的三座热带岛屿的终极指南。 三座非常有标志性的岛屿,与大陆隔绝,生态系统自成一体。对与世隔绝的人以及岛上的野生生物而言,这些岛屿是如同天堂一般的存在,但是进入桃花源记中的理想世界是需要付出代价的。 世界上五分之四记录在案的灭绝都发生在岛屿之上,在这个快速改变的世界,岛屿可用来评估这颗星球的健康程度。在这部纪录片中,我们可以跟随镜头一起探索在这些岛屿上的野生动物、历史以及文化。
导演:Ryan Polito
简介: Recorded during her Speak Now World Tour in 2011, this live recording collects 16 performances from the country-pop starlet, including all 14 songs from her 2010 studio outing Speak Now, as well as covers of Train's "Drops of Jupiter" and Kim Carnes' "Bette Davis Eyes." The DVD/Blu-ray disc that accompanies some editions of World Tour Live: Speak Now features 18 performances, as well as home movies and rehearsal footage for the show, which was an elaborate affair that utilized dancers, aerialists, numerous costume changes, and a mammoth, multi-stage setup that more closely resembled a high-profile Broadway musical than it a did country music concert. ~ James Christopher Monger This combo includes a DVD and CD. The DVD gives fans the complete Taylor Swift Speak Now concert experience, showcasing performances of all 17 songs from her Speak Now show, plus additional bonus content. The CD contains over 75 minutes of music, including live versions of favorites from the Speak Now album. The performance is a theatrical presentation of a Broadway experience. The show features elaborate costumes, dancers, aerialists, changing sets, and innovative choreography and instrumentation showcased on a multi-level stage. Taylor plays 5 different guitars in the show, including electric, acoustic, and 12-string. She also plays 2 banjos, the ukulele, and the piano, and changes costumes 9 times over the course of the evening. She moves around the venue and uses different stages, giving every audience member a great seat. Liner Note Authors: Paula Erickson; Grant Garner. Recording information: Atlanta, GA; Love Shack, Nashville, TN; Nimbus School Of Recording Arts, Vancouver, BC. Directors: Taylor Swift; Baz Halpin; Ryan Polito. Editor: Sharon Everitt. Photographers: Christie Goodwin; Austin Swift. Personnel: Taylor Swift (vocals, guitar, banjo, ukulele, piano); Mike Meadows (guitar, banjo, mandolin, background vocals); Caitlin Evanson (guitar, fiddle, background vocals); Paul Sidoti (guitar, keyboards, background vocals); Grant Mickelson, Jody Harris (guitar); David Cook (keyboards); Al Wilson (drums); Daniel Sadownick (percussion); Marlyn Ortiz, Shannon Beach, Charity Baroni, Meredith Ostrowsky, Justin Boulet, Fernando Miro, Dom Kelley, Claire Callaway (dancer); Liz Huett (background vocals). Audio Mixers: Justin Cortelyou; Chris Rowe; Robert Allen; Bob Ezrin; Brian Virtue .
导演:Dominic Ozanne
简介: Simon Reeves makes another "round the world" trip following the tropic of Capricorn which is parallel (but shorter) to the equator in the Southern hemisphere. Again each episode is a rapid visit to one or more countries, in (Austral)Asia, Latin America or Africa, exploring strategic issues as well as daily life for locals, tourists and planners. Written by KGF Vissers
主演:Sam Neill
导演:Mark Flowers Robert Morgenstern Nick Easton
简介: Isolated from the rest of the world since the time of the dinosaurs, New Zealand’s magnificent wildlife has been left to its own devices for 80 million years, with surprising consequences. Narrated by actor Sam Neill, this three-part wildlife series transports viewers to an exotic and mysterious island chain, revealing how the country’s rich, intriguing wildlife manages to survive.
简介:“动感亚洲自我挑战越野赛”是由“Action Asia Events”主办的越野挑战竞赛活动,共分为香港、台湾、汶莱、马来西亚、杜拜五站。国家地理频道负责全程转播五个国家所举行的这场竞赛,今年共派出三组摄影队前来台湾,录参赛选手行前准备工作与体能锻炼情形,也将台湾独特的自然景观、人文风貌、美食特产介绍给全世界。
主演:Sam Willis
简介: Centuries before the world's oceans became a global trade highway, Chinese seafarers set sail to faraway lands to exchange commodities. Now, Historian Sam Willis retraces the golden era of maritime trade to uncover a legacy that culminated in one of the greatest armadas of all time, and discover parallels between the world then and now.
主演:Martin Shaw
简介: 1. 古董机折翼 The Flying Bug 拥有一架古董飞机是马丁的儿时心愿,后来他终于如愿买了一架史提曼飞机但这架飞机在一次飞行中坠机,除了机身骨架。其他全部撞烂。保险公司要把飞机报废,但是这架珍贵的史提曼飞机,是许多人珍爱的飞机,于是马丁花费巨资,决定请两位专家修好它。热气球是飞行的一种方法,制作单位请两位玩热气球的英国好手,比一比谁控制热气球乘风飞行的技术比较高明马丁也在节目中一偿宿愿,驾驶第二次世界大战的名机:喷火战斗机。 2. 热情所系 Plane Passion 拥有十年飞行资历的麦克,想要为拥有属于自己的飞机,于是英国顶尖飞机商大卫为他介绍旗下的机种。买飞机必须考虑预算,用途,飞机航程,和是否要与别人合购。最后决定购买能够长程飞行,带他和亲友去欧洲度假的西斯纳182型飞机。小熊飞机从1938年开始制造,做为美国空军的训练机。在二次大战和韩战,它们也曾担任观测机。由于观测机飞入敌军阵营,很容易被地面部队击落,因此驾驶小熊飞机的人都是勇敢的飞行员。 3. 超强战力 Flight and Might 让飞机发展最快速的原动力就是战争,换句话说,战争时期的军机研发,革新了今日我们飞行的方式。索普威思的三片机翼,在缠斗中具有无比的升力和操纵性,曾在一次大战中击落86架敌机,自己则只折损3架。德国一次大战名人曼弗雷德冯李希特霍芬,便是驾驶他的福克三翼机,一个人就击落80多架敌机,纪录无人能比,也凸显出当年三翼机优越的性能。马丁的双翼机已修好机身,修理机翼时才发现,装在上翼的油箱在翻覆时和地面摩擦,差点爆炸。P51的野马型是二次大战传奇战斗机,共击落二千多架敌机,飞行时震耳欲聋的声音,令人胆战心惊。 4. 民航时代 Age of the Airliner 希腊海运大亨的28岁儿子史戴洛斯,在90年代中期开创了低价航空业,让搭飞机旅行成为普罗大众都能参与的活动。19岁的马丁哈斯提德,当初以想创立航空公司做为向女生搭讪的台词,后来竟然成功创业。马丁为他的双翼机机身覆上蒙布,并且熨斗让蒙布绷紧,让飞机修复工作更进一步。马丁这次非常幸运地能够驾驶巨大的达科他型飞机,这种身兼军用机和民航机的巨型飞机,能表现所有小双翼机的动作,只是比较慢而已。波音747的机长穆迪,曾经驾驶载运近三百名乘客的飞机,遇到四具引擎全部故障的情况,747客机顿时变成巨无霸滑翔机,惊险至极。 5. 空中勇士 Magnificent Flyers 喷射背包是终极的科幻梦想,1961年,这场幻梦成真,因为贝尔火箭腰带首度升空。特技员艾瑞克史考特是现今世上少有的火箭腰带飞行员之一,他说操作喷射背包就像脚踩大球,同时手握喷着水的消防水管,难度极高。机翼特技员是一份惊人的极限工作,他们在高空中站在机翼上,表演各种花式动作,而一位有惧高症的仁兄,竟然想亲自体验机翼特技员的工作,以克服惧高症。马丁的双翼机,机翼部分已重制完毕,但是竟然发生装不上去的窘境,幸好几经硬推猛敲,总算安装成功,接着以转印纸印上干净俐落的号码图案,预示这架双翼机接受最后检验的时刻即将来临 6. 未来天空 Into the Future 英国足球明星莱斯费迪南德,不仅是汽车飙速好手,同时也会驾驶直升机,他认为直升机给他的自由快感,令其他交通工具望尘莫及。直升机所费不赀,但想体验飞行的人还可以选择动力滑翔伞,只要背着超大电扇,搭配滑翔伞,不需要考执照,一个人就能体验飞行快感。曼彻斯特的史帝夫正在研究火箭,希望未来能让一般人进行太空旅行,体验无重力的滋味并且观赏地球曲度。马丁的双翼机通过了民航民工程师的检验,在历经两年半的整修,终于再次飞上青天。
主演:Alexandra Shulman Lucinda Chambers Jamie Perlman Fiona Golfar
导演:Richard Macer
简介: Access documentary that goes behind the scenes of fashion magazine Vogue as it celebrates its 100th year
主演:Bruce Damer Lee Felsenstein Andy Hertzfeld
导演:Jan Tenhaven
简介: This documentary tells the forgotten stories of some of the most influential personal computer pioneers in the San Francisco Bay Area. In the late 1960s, big mainframe computers owned by large corporations and the government were seen as tools of control. The Hippie movement and the anti-Vietnam war protests served as a hotbed for a revolutionary idea: creating an affordable home computer to be used by ordinary people as a counterbalance to Big Brother. Well, the rest is history, but what has happened to the early ideals and the initial ethos of free sharing? As one of the visionaries puts it: "It's true that what I helped to create is today's establishment. That's what I was trying to get rid of: the establishment."
导演:张霄 刘浩 葛天琳 彭译萱 黄泽原
简介: 新时代的中国,贫困地区如何通过科技创新实现脱贫致富?广场舞和马拉松爆火的背后揭示出哪些新气象?如何平衡经济发展和生态保护的关系?《英国小哥看中国:解码新时代》通过英国小哥方丹实地走访贵州、成都、海口、合肥等7个地方的经历,耗时20多天,行程超过3800公里,从普通老百姓的切身体会出发,为你一一解答。
导演:Dave Skinner Freddie Waters
简介: 杰克·怀特霍尔(Jack Whitehall)登台登场,讲述了关于幸福夫妻,酒店生活,人类愚蠢和流浪汉的父亲的搞笑故事。
简介: 第1集 尼安德特人 尼安德特人是现代欧洲人祖先的近亲,从12万年前开始,他们统治着整个欧洲、亚洲西部以及非洲北部,但在两万四千年前,这些古人类却消失了。 第2集 直立人 直立人,距今约180万~20万年,生活在非洲、欧洲和亚洲的古人类,一般认为直立人起源于非洲。1890年到1892年在印度尼西亚爪哇发现了猿人的下颌骨,头盖骨和腿骨,发现者把他定名为“直立猿人”或“原人直立种”。1929年北京周口店发现的猿人化石定名为“北京的中国猿人”或“中国猿人北京种”,俗称“北京人” 。 第3集 阿法猿人露西 阿法南猿或南方古猿阿法种,是生存于390-290万年前已灭绝的人科。电影《超体》出现的“猿人露西”就是引用的阿法猿人露西。
主演:Vim Kumaratunga Steve Leonard Judy Puddifoot Alice Rhodes
导演:Lyndon Bruce David Marks Colin Murray Danielle Peck Kate Pringle
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