主演:Jeremy Wade
主演:Adele James Craig Russell Nada El Belkasmi Sami Fekkak
导演:Tina Gharavi Victoria Adeola Thomas
简介: Tatler is the oldest magazine in the world and has been reporting on the lives of Britain’s most privileged and powerful for 300 years. Tatler not only documents, but also dictates the social calendar of Britain’s elite. With an archive full of society’s movers and shakers being pictured in its pages it has long been a rite of passage for Britain’s ruling classes. In the first episode of Posh People: Inside Tatler we meet the editor, Kate Reardon, a self-confessed ‘honking, great Sloane’, and her features team - who are all expected to be well versed in the rules of upper class life. The programme follows Matthew Bell - Tatler’s writer and the newest addition to the team - over his first few months at the magazine. We’ll see him trying to find his feet and go from middle class outsider to privileged insider. We’ll see the team putting together an issue, follow them on shoots and key social events to meet the people they feature - from Lord Glasgow in his 13th Century castle in Scotland, to Nigerian Millionaire Kola Karim, who has no idea how many cars he owns.
主演:朱利安·林希德-图特 Steve Bell Martin Rowson
导演:Francis Whately
简介: 本系列致力于探索英国在讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默上面的传统。 第一集 有史以来最讽刺、下流、猥琐、无礼的历史 本片从18世纪早期的乔治王朝统治时期入手,给大家展示全国性的公开粗俗,简直让人震惊!贺加斯,吉尔雷,罗兰生,克鲁克香克笔下的绘画,以及约翰·盖伊和亨利·菲尔丁笔下光怪陆离的戏剧世界会让我们大开眼界。歌手露西·斯吉平会带我们一览乔治王朝粗俗下流情歌的盛况。我们还会从蒲伯,斯威夫特,拜伦以及斯特恩入手,研究一下那个时代脏话的文学起源。 第二集 荤段子与艳照 在维多利亚时期严谨,纯洁,禁欲的价值观中幸存下来的英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统,是如何在20世纪前半叶得到了繁荣发展?我们回去调查由摄影技术引发的道德恐慌,因为火辣的照片变得唾手可得。我们还会去关注由早期连环画经典形象Ally Sloper所存在的那个粗鲁又讽刺意味鲜明的世界。最后,咱们要去看看码头上的西洋景以及唐纳德·麦吉尔的明信片艺术中如何催生出了海滩上的猥琐文化。 第三集 猥琐到极致是谓无敌 关于英国讽刺文学和猥琐粗俗的幽默传统的探索将会把视线转向20世纪60年代出现并持续至今的大众民主式的粗鲁野蛮。我们将会探索复兴的粗俗政治漫画,Viz杂志中的滑稽艺术,乔·奥顿的剧院,霍恩周围的无线电广播,以及地下杂志Oz。电视上粗俗的历史可以从《永不分离》追溯到《小不列颠》...最后我们要关注,性别歧视者和种族主义者是如何看待这些粗俗喜剧的。
主演:Jeremy Wade
主演:Jeremy Wade
主演:Drew Pritchard
简介: 简介: 德鲁另辟蹊径,拜访多位收藏狂人,最后终于达成他一直以来对汽车的执迷。朱利安紧随其后,他在朴茨茅斯的一家道具和戏服仓库中展开地毯式搜索,结果找到不少好宝贝。附近农场的主人那里也有众多珍宝,德鲁冒着激怒丽贝卡的风险,偷偷敲定一笔满足私欲的买卖。开发商尼克也是旧货回收的爱好者,他在诺福克的房子里堆满大大小小的古董,其中一部雪铁龙汽车勾起德鲁的买车欲望。大雅茅斯的鲱鱼博物馆是一个聚宝盆,馆内陈列着众多古代航海用品,并且所有的物品均可以出售,至少在丈夫厄尼出现之前,卡伦是这么说的。回到店里,一位路虎专家告诉德鲁,他对汽车的狂热痴迷也能让他们赚到大钱。
主演:Freddie Flintoff
简介: In a new BBC Two series, some of the fittest men and woman around will face the toughest challenge of their lives when they take part in the recruitment week from hell. Who will be left standing on the ultimate military assault course? Presented by Andrew ‘Freddie’ Flintoff, this six-part series will see successful applicants take on gruelling tests used by some of the world’s harshest army regimes, from the Navy SEALs to the SAS, in a search to find the UK’s toughest recruit. Participants will come under intense pressure. Their physical and mental endurance will be pushed to the limit. Viewers will witness what the mind and body are capable of and how these techniques separate the weak from the strong, and they will learn what it takes to be the ultimate soldier. The ‘Hell Week ‘ has been especially constructed to reflect known selection process used by special forces across the globe including the US Navy SEALs, the Philippine’s NAVSOG (Naval Special Operations Group), the Russian Spetsnaz (Special Purpose Forces) as well as the UK’s SAS. These are physical and mental challenges designed to break the most hardened soldiers.
主演:汤姆·哈迪 本尼迪克特·康伯巴奇 George Anton Dominic Kemp 尼古拉·达菲特 Claire-Louise Cordwell 艾德娜·多雷 Candis Nergaard Joanna Maude Trevor Sellers Barbara Barnes Hugh Armstrong
简介:◎简 介 以扣人心弦的笔法诉说身兼小偷、人质狭持者、精神病与游民等多重身份的男子史都华一生的故事。除了描绘他前科累累、放荡不羈的鲜活人生,也藉此带出了英国下层社会有关暴力、毒品、监狱与犯罪等令人震撼的面貌,以极度真实而又几近残酷的写实手法,刻画出史都华失败潦倒的一生。但令人惊喜的是,作者与史都华都未以悲伤或自怜的口气来诉说哀伤的生命片段,反而能以充满趣味的口吻娓娓道来,使得整本书在浓鬱的哀愁中,却洋溢著活泼生动的韵律,是这部作品最奇特、也最具吸引力的地方。 获奖:2008年英国电影学院奖提名最佳男演员
主演:Drew Pritchard
简介: 简介: 德鲁另辟蹊径,拜访多位收藏狂人,最后终于达成他一直以来对汽车的执迷。朱利安紧随其后,他在朴茨茅斯的一家道具和戏服仓库中展开地毯式搜索,结果找到不少好宝贝。附近农场的主人那里也有众多珍宝,德鲁冒着激怒丽贝卡的风险,偷偷敲定一笔满足私欲的买卖。开发商尼克也是旧货回收的爱好者,他在诺福克的房子里堆满大大小小的古董,其中一部雪铁龙汽车勾起德鲁的买车欲望。大雅茅斯的鲱鱼博物馆是一个聚宝盆,馆内陈列着众多古代航海用品,并且所有的物品均可以出售,至少在丈夫厄尼出现之前,卡伦是这么说的。回到店里,一位路虎专家告诉德鲁,他对汽车的狂热痴迷也能让他们赚到大钱。
别名:Fatherhood with My Father,杰克·怀特豪尔:爸爸教我做爸爸 Jack Whitehall: Fatherhood with My Father
主演:杰克·怀特霍尔 迈克尔·怀特霍尔 卡加·杰森
主演:Drew Pritchard
简介: 简介: 德鲁另辟蹊径,拜访多位收藏狂人,最后终于达成他一直以来对汽车的执迷。朱利安紧随其后,他在朴茨茅斯的一家道具和戏服仓库中展开地毯式搜索,结果找到不少好宝贝。附近农场的主人那里也有众多珍宝,德鲁冒着激怒丽贝卡的风险,偷偷敲定一笔满足私欲的买卖。开发商尼克也是旧货回收的爱好者,他在诺福克的房子里堆满大大小小的古董,其中一部雪铁龙汽车勾起德鲁的买车欲望。大雅茅斯的鲱鱼博物馆是一个聚宝盆,馆内陈列着众多古代航海用品,并且所有的物品均可以出售,至少在丈夫厄尼出现之前,卡伦是这么说的。回到店里,一位路虎专家告诉德鲁,他对汽车的狂热痴迷也能让他们赚到大钱。
主演:Michael Cockerell
导演:James Giles
简介: Three-part series by Michael Cockerell going behind the scenes at Whitehall
主演:Drew Pritchard
简介: 简介: 德鲁另辟蹊径,拜访多位收藏狂人,最后终于达成他一直以来对汽车的执迷。朱利安紧随其后,他在朴茨茅斯的一家道具和戏服仓库中展开地毯式搜索,结果找到不少好宝贝。附近农场的主人那里也有众多珍宝,德鲁冒着激怒丽贝卡的风险,偷偷敲定一笔满足私欲的买卖。开发商尼克也是旧货回收的爱好者,他在诺福克的房子里堆满大大小小的古董,其中一部雪铁龙汽车勾起德鲁的买车欲望。大雅茅斯的鲱鱼博物馆是一个聚宝盆,馆内陈列着众多古代航海用品,并且所有的物品均可以出售,至少在丈夫厄尼出现之前,卡伦是这么说的。回到店里,一位路虎专家告诉德鲁,他对汽车的狂热痴迷也能让他们赚到大钱。
主演:Drew Pritchard
简介: 简介: 德鲁另辟蹊径,拜访多位收藏狂人,最后终于达成他一直以来对汽车的执迷。朱利安紧随其后,他在朴茨茅斯的一家道具和戏服仓库中展开地毯式搜索,结果找到不少好宝贝。附近农场的主人那里也有众多珍宝,德鲁冒着激怒丽贝卡的风险,偷偷敲定一笔满足私欲的买卖。开发商尼克也是旧货回收的爱好者,他在诺福克的房子里堆满大大小小的古董,其中一部雪铁龙汽车勾起德鲁的买车欲望。大雅茅斯的鲱鱼博物馆是一个聚宝盆,馆内陈列着众多古代航海用品,并且所有的物品均可以出售,至少在丈夫厄尼出现之前,卡伦是这么说的。回到店里,一位路虎专家告诉德鲁,他对汽车的狂热痴迷也能让他们赚到大钱。
主演:奥托·法兰特 薇琪·麦克卢尔 凯文·麦克纳利 索菲亚·海林 斯蒂芬·迪兰
简介: “少年007”系列剧集《少年间谍》(Alex Rider)正式获续订第三季,本季故事改编自Alex Rider系列小说第五部《毒蝎党》(Scorpia),依旧由Guy Burt担任改编。
主演:布瑞金·梅耶 詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特 比利·康诺利 比尔·默瑞 伊安·艾伯克龙比 罗杰·里斯 露茜·戴维斯 Lena Cardwell 维罗妮卡·阿利奇诺 简·卡尔 奥利弗·缪尔海德 JB·布兰科 维尔内·沃特森-约翰逊 Russell Milton 本·法尔科内 布莱斯·列侬 朱迪斯·沙克妮 梅兰妮·托尔伯特 罗斯科·李·布朗尼 格雷格·埃利斯 鲍勃·霍斯金斯 珊农·奥斯博内 蒂姆·克里 Joe Pasquale 简·丽芙丝 简·霍洛克斯 理查德·E·格兰特 维尼·琼斯 瑞斯·伊凡斯 吉姆·皮多克 尼尔·
简介: 慵懒搞怪的加菲猫又回来了! 这次加菲和主人乔恩(Breckin Meyer 布瑞金•梅耶 饰)远赴英国旅行,一路上它花招不断,主仆俩闹出不少的笑话。巧合的是,伦敦有一只出身名门的猫和加菲长得极其相似,阴差阳错之下它们互换了身份,加菲因此享受了一把它梦寐以求的奢侈而豪华的生活。 贵族猫继承了主人的泼天财富,引起了主人贪心亲戚达吉斯(Billy Connolly 饰)的忌恨。达吉斯坏招频出,意欲置其于死地,我们的假贵族加菲面对这个凶险的敌人该如何招架呢?
导演:Jacquie Lawrence
简介: What do you picture when you think of King’s Road? The swinging 60s? Vivienne Westwood pioneering punk fashion? One notable establishment in this enclave of history that’s often forgotten about is Gateways, London’s longest-surviving lesbian club. Alongside a host of its patrons over the years, Sandi Toksvig highlights the legacy of the club from its original owner, who won it in a poker game, to its blossoming into a hotspot and safe space for lesbian life. From its signature green door to the risqué dance move that gives this film its name, Gateways was a crucial part of London’s queer history. In this charming and informative film, it’s celebrated in all its glory.
简介: 这部纪录片是一群特殊的人。它记录了一群在生活中遇到挑战的人,他们有的患有白癜风,有的患有抽动秽语综合症。这部令人深省的纪录片将患有相同疾病的陌生人聚集在一起,看看他们将如何互相帮助。一个因为自己的皮肤状况感到压抑和害羞,另一个和他情况一样但成为了网络模特,当两人相遇会发生什么?被烧伤的病人能帮助同龄人从更积极的角度看待问题吗?这部纪录片改变了我们的视角,改变了我们的生活,帮助我们用不同的眼光看待“差异”。(B站条目:https://www.bilibili.com/bangumi/media/md28220617/?spm_id_from=666.10.b_62616e67756d695f64657461696c.1#detail)
主演:伊丽莎白二世 Prince Philip Prince Charles
导演:Matt Reid
简介: 对女王和英国皇室行事作风充满赞扬的片子,据说拍摄公司 RDF 做了一年的工作,才得到皇室信任,准许出入皇室内部,贴身拍摄。片名原来叫 A Year with the Queen (《女王的一年》),现在改为 Monarchy: The Royal Family At Work (《工作中的皇室》),强调皇室作为名义上的国家元首,其实也是公务繁忙,女王兢兢业业,手下精明干练,既坚持传统--皇家厨房中还在用刻着 V.R. (维多利亚女王)的大锅,又与时俱进--女王在美国的演讲特意提到最近发生的维吉尼亚校园枪杀案。受采访者从布希总统夫妇到旁观游客,个个表达钦佩赞美之情。
主演:Ben Addis 大卫·内尔斯特 Patrick Warner Robert Whitelock Guy Williams 加里·奥利弗
导演:Chris Durlacher
简介: London 1864. On a Hackney bound train, a guard discovers blood in a first class carriage - and a body on the railway embankment. For the first time, a murder has taken place on Britain's railways. Over a hundred years later, this single documentary for BBC Two uses the first hand testimony of the people involved at the time to explore this unique event and how it provoked a huge public outcry and debate. The story quickly became a news sensation as the dangers of the brave new world of the train were laid bare. Over a hundred years later, the witnesses to this story may be long dead but their words survive in court transcripts, memoirs, letters and vivid journalism. These testimonies are now used to tell the story, taking the documentary deep into the nineteenth century to meet an extraordinary cross section of real-life Victorian London - from the engine driver who found the body to the detective in charge of the investigation. Who killed Mr Briggs?
主演:Tatiana Penfold Sade Giliberti
简介: 因走私海洛因遭捕后,米凯拉·麦考伦亲口描述自己如何在贩毒的非法世界中游走,其经历令人震惊
主演:杰克·达文波特 吉娜·贝尔曼 莎拉·亚历山大 Kate Isitt 本·迈尔斯 理查德·柯伊尔
导演:Martin Dennis
简介: 本剧集是BBC 2台2000年正式推出的以青年人为题材和对象的系列情景喜剧,创意和编剧均由Steven Moffat一人担当。三男三女的主要人物构成很容易使人联想到当时正走红(其实已经在走下坡路)的《Friends》,因此很有不少根本没看过本剧的媒体人士和评论家想当然地将本剧称作英国版的《Friends》,而在那些有幸欣赏过本剧的观众们看来,《Coupling》在情节设定、人物表演、喜剧元素的设计和表现等诸多方面所达到的水平,要比《Friends》高几个档次。相比之下,《Friends》只能说是一部“业余”水平的好作品而已。当然总体来说,英剧的水准本身就高于美剧,这和英剧注意保持创意、编剧一体化是分不开的,美剧的创意一般也就为最初几集编剧,以后主要的编剧工作都是由其它编剧根据最初的角色设定来自由发挥,编剧队伍的构成也是不断变化,老的走新的来,造成美剧情节连贯性差甚至前后矛盾,故事往往缺乏深度,人物性格平面化,缺少发展。这都是题外话了。 《Coupling》的主要人物包括优柔寡断、性格不成熟的帅哥Steve,Steve的莫逆之交、举止语言古怪、总也找不到女友的Jeff,头脑简单、外表性感的“donkey” Patrick三位对Porn、特别是lesbian porn非常热中的男士,以及Steve的前女友、神神叨叨、擅用性感作武器的Jane,Steve的继任女友、Jeff的同事、曾经非常“不羁”(包括和Jeff还有Patrick)过的Susan,Susan的莫逆、对衰老和肥胖极度敏感的美容师Sally三位女士。在第一集中,Steve决定“再次”和女友Jane分手,结果却被Jane三言两语引诱到洗手间亲热;Patrick想把和Susan的关系再进一步,却被告知根本不存在什么“关系”; Susan在洗手间碰到匆忙出来买Durex的Steve,向他表示好感,两人订下约会以后Steve钻进隔间继续……。本剧的主线包括Steve和 Susan之间逐渐正式起来的关系,Jeff寻找艳遇过程中的种种意外以及后来和上司发展出来的一段关系,Patrick和Sally之间若有若无到若即若离再到情深难舍的感情发展,还有Jane在事业和异性关系中的各种奇事,等等。 本剧在情节设计中所达到的精致和完美程度让人叹为观止,而六位当时并不算大明星的青年演员的所展现精湛演技更是具有顶尖演员的水平,无怪乎播出之后立刻走红大洋两岸,在IMDB、AMAZON和BBC网站可以领略到其受欢迎的程度。2002年底,第3季播毕,故事情节基本告一段落。美国NBC看到这部“英国版《Friends》”在英美两地均广受欢迎,觉得正好可以搬来做2004年终于要关张的《Friends》的接班人,于是2003年大张旗鼓地决定翻拍美版《Coupling》。美国的fans本来以为这是件好事,没想到NBC的翻拍愚蠢地采用了全台词照搬的方法,虽然个人没看过,不过也可以想象到有多恶心,结果只播出一集Pilot就因为骂声太大而整个计划搁浅(这点上美国佬是值得学习的,不象中国有些搞影视的骂声越大越要上)。在这里http://www.nbc.com/Coupling/可以看到这个计划的尸体,还有一些彻底走了味儿的剧照。 2003年底,本剧获得英国喜剧奖(BCA)最佳电视喜剧奖。BBC已经在2004年正式开拍并播出第4季,不过Jeff这个人物将不再出现,而代之以新角色——经营Sci-Fi书店的Oliver,由Richard Mylan扮演。从已经播出的几集来看,应该说在更换主要角色之一的背景下,基本保持了前3季的水准,但是同时也流露出对前3季中成功情节进行拷贝的迹象,希望这仅仅是偶然。 Two's company, three's a crowd... so what do you do with six? On average, men and women think about sex every six seconds. Shorten that to every second, and you've got Coupling. It's more than just a one night stand! When a couple gets together, it's never just the two of them - they also bring baggage - and Susan (Sarah Alexander) and Steve (Jack Davenport) are no exception. Their baggage is a crowd of best friends and exes who talk about all aspects of sex and relationships on their never-ending quest to find true love. Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps... Susan Walker is a beautiful go-getter with an uninhibited attitude who used to date Patrick Maitland (Ben Miles), the sextet's charismatic, cocky player, London's king of conquests - a guy who's just too cool to worry about being smart. Attractive Sally Harper (Kate Isitt) is a beauty therapist who is Susan's unashamedly vain best friend, who aggressively battles aging with heavy doses of moisturizer and men - including Patrick. Meanwhile, Steve Taylor, while getting together with Susan, can't seem to shake loose from his vivacious and slightly vacuous ex-girlfriend Jane Christie (Gina Bellman), a woman supremely confident in her ability to seduce anyone of either sex, and who refuses to be dumped unless she's the one doing the dumping. Jeff Murdoch (Richard Coyle) is Steve's "porn buddy" who is, in equal parts, obsessed and bewildered by actual sex; charming in his way, but with an uncanny ability to say the wrong thing at the worst possible time. He works in the same office as Susan, with whom he had a disastrous and unsuccessful one-night fling. Coupling has been honoured with the prestigious Silver Rose of Montreux, Best TV Comedy Award, and is recent winner at the 2003 British Comedy Awards. With a new guy on the scene, a baby on the way, commitment in the air, and love on the horizon, the dynamics of the six friends are definitely changing. At the end of last season Susan and Steve discovered they were pregnant (well, mostly Susan), confirmed bachelor Patrick and Sally finally admitted their true feelings for each other, and poor Jane was left on her own, once again. But it's not all doom and gloom for Jane. As the new season opens, things are looking up. There's this guy called Oliver, who has his eye on her. Is it possible that lifetime loser in love Oliver might just get somewhere with lifetime loser in love Jane? Trouble is, his apartment is a little "un-edited" and his living room has lost the battle with magazine nudity... Susan and Steve are now well and truly an item. So why is he dreaming about being executed by a fetus with an axe? Meanwhile Sally and Patrick are settling into their new relationship. But since the dawn of time, men and women have been falling in love - and men have been trying to get home straight afterwards. Can fallen playboy Patrick ever find his way back from the enchanted glade of his one true love and get a decent night's sleep?
简介: Museum curator, who is run through with a ceremonial sword, used to live next to Jasmijn, who may have killed her young brothers 19 years ago.
主演:查理·罗 卡尔·厄本 安格瑞·赖斯 约翰·雷吉扎莫 贾斯汀·朗 斯凯勒·斯通 蒂娅·希尔卡
导演:巴里·库克 尼尔•奈丁盖尔
简介:炎热的假期,男孩里奇(查理·罗 Charlie Rowe 饰)和妹妹跟随身为考古学家的叔叔(Karl Urban 饰)来到了辽阔壮丽的阿拉斯加,体验一次难得的寻访史前动物的旅程。在森林中,他受到一只乌鸦的指引,竟然穿越时空来到了七千万年前的白垩纪中期。在某个厚鼻龙家族中,小家伙派西(Justin Long 配音)刚刚出生就被伤齿龙在脑袋上开了一个大洞,幸运活下来的他注定拥有传奇的一生。时光荏苒,派西和伙伴们一天天长大,他也偶然邂逅令之心动的女孩裘妮波(Tiya Sircar 配音)。厚鼻龙家族的大迁徙开始,但从旅途之处便伴随着大火和猎杀。 七千万年前,一段充满惊险的挑战的旅程再度呈现……
主演:吉姆·艾尔-哈利利 丹妮尔·乔治 Jim Meigs Tiera Fletcher Saul David Richard Garriott Brandon Mikesell Derrick Pitts 艾丽丝·罗伯茨 Rodney Brooks 帕特里克·斯图尔特
导演:Ben Harding Christopher Riley Sean Smith Stephen Mizelas 纳特·沙曼 Nathan Williams
简介: Take a mind-blowing journey through human history, told through six iconic objects that modern people take for granted, and see how science, invention, and technology built on one another to change everything.
简介: Adventurer Ben Fogle gets a taste of extreme escapism in this brand new series meeting those who have turned their backs on the daily grind. Each week, Ben spends time in one of the world’s most remote locations, meeting the people who now inhabit these inhospitable corners of the planet after leaving their ordinary lives behind. Our intrepid guide also wonders whether these extraordinary individuals and their incredible experiences might tempt him to move his own family out of London and away from the comforts of the city. Is it daring or downright crazy? Ben wants to discover the truth about life in tough, harsh conditions, where doing battle with Mother Nature is a daily reality.
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